Friday 19 February 2010

Unused Review: YEARBOOK STORIES: 1976-1978

(The following review was written to be published in the pages of Comics Buyer's Guide but never was.)
Yearbook Stories: 1976-1978

Top Shelf Productions

$4, b&w, 32 pgs., available now

Writer: Chris Staros; Artists: Bo Hampton, Rich Tommaso

Reviewed by Bernard C. Cormier ****

Yearbook Stories: 1976-1978 is a one-shot reprint comic collecting two autobiographical stories written by Top Shelf Productions co-publisher Chris Staros. The two stories are about some of his high school experiences between 1976 and 1978. Additionally and appropriately, the book contains photos of Staros taken during those formative years.

The first tale, “The Willful Death of a Stereotype”, is about how Staros ran for president of his high school. In the second one, “The “Worst” Gig I Ever Had”, Staros shares his experiences playing in a band at a private, dynamite filled, biker party in the middle of nowhere.

Although both stories are humorous, comedy is more central to the second one. As the reader discovers, its title is a bit of self-referring joke. In its punch line, anyone can easily determine that it was certainly not the “worst” gig scenario any protagonist could possibly have.

The stories were initially printed in the 2001 and 1999 editions of Small Press Expo Anthology, respectively.

This one-shot is certainly worth the time and money required to read it.

Bernard C. Cormier is, among other things, a freelance writer and broadcaster. E-mail: © Bernard C. Cormier 2008